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Gulf Coast Pirate Tarpon Tournament 2019 Port Charlotte & Tampa

Jun-01-19 All day

Register online at       $ 500 per boat

Captains Meeting Registration: May 31st 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

*Captain’s Meeting Address:

South: Buffalo Wings Rings – 1020 El Jobean Rd, Port Charlotte, FL 33948

North: Hank’s Catfish & BBQ –  8546 N Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 33614


1. This tournament will take place on Saturday June 1st. First lines in the water at 6:15 AM. All pictures have to be posted to the iangler app by 1:00PM to the number provided at the captains meeting.

2. No Artificial baits will be permitted.

3. Leader release pictures must include the following

              A. Fish under control boat side

              B. Wristband issued to you at the captains meeting

              C. The leader (no longer than 10ft.)

              D. Hook Placement

RELEASE- Is defined as a fish under control boat side to allow for a clear picture with the issued wristband leader and hook placement all visible. Swipe and go leader touches will not count. Fish must be under control.

Pictures must include all four or release will not count.

4. No gaffs or landing devices are permitted. Hands must stay out of the Tarpon’s gills at all times.

5. Leaders may not be over 10 feet in length.

6. All fish estimated to be under 3 feet to the fork in length will not count. (If you think it is close add a picture of the fish taped off).

7. Tarpon must be caught on manually operated tackle.

8. Chumming of any kind is prohibited.

9. Dead fish will not count and must swim away. This will be a question on the lie detector. We strongly recommend you video your releases.

10. No more than three lines in the water at one time.

11. Each boat should not contain more than five occupants. One captain, one mate and three anglers. Everyone on the boat is eligible to cast and land fish as long as there is never more than three lines in the water at one time.

12. Sportsman Rule – All participants in Gulf Coast Pirate Tarpon Tournament will conduct themselves in a sportsman-like manner during all tournament activities. This includes prior to and following all tournament events including Capt. Meeting trophy presentation and all other tournament related events. Unacceptable behavior will result in expulsion from all future Gulf Coast Pirate Tarpon Tournament  events. Derogatory comments and or unacceptable use of social media is also grounds for expulsion from future events. Disqualification or misconduct in any other fishing tournament within 36 months prior to the tournament date is grounds for an application not being accepted or returned. The Gulf Coast Pirate Tarpon Tournament may refuse any tournament application, or deny a previous application by returning the entry fee or balance of fees to the Captain.

13. Polygraph tests will be given at this event. Each Team agrees to submit, by their signature on the official entry form, to the polygraph test to determine the results of the tournament and shall not contest the results. Failure to be available for the test is grounds for disqualification. The captain will take the polygraph test. If the Director or polygraph determines that an angler is unable to take a polygraph test, all prizes and points will be forfeited. Polygraph tests may be required up to one week after the event.

14. If the National Weather Service declares a Tropical Storm Warning or Hurricane Warning it will be rescheduled for the following Saturday June 8th. Tournament times will stay the same from 6:15AM to 1:00PM.

15. Everyone participating in this tournament will participate in their own risk.

16. Protests are allowed up to 60 minutes after the tournament closes (1:00 PM). All protests must be in email to  and accompanied by $300 fee. If protest is upheld, the fee will be returned, If denied, tournament will retain the protest fee to pay for the polygraph exam. A polygraph test will be given to determine protest.

17. In the event of a tie with only one release the team with the first leader touch will win the tie breaker. In the event of a tie with multiple releases evolved, the team with the shortest time between their first and last leader touch will break the tie. This will encourage anglers to land their first as quickly as possible in an effort to reduce the amount of stress the tarpon is under.